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Thomas Ankersmit Homage to Dick Raaijmakers Homage to Dick Raaijmakers
Boodaman Two Thousand Subsequent
Ben Carey Scatter Hypertelic
Rafael Timoner Corrupted Waves Bugs SSSHHHhhh!... (Silence Please)
Benge Inharmonic Preset FORMS 12 - Arpforms
Passepartout Duo Daylighting Daylighting
Vespine, Ed David, Cosmic Chaos, Komplex MTTSS#002 Track 2 Group 1 Modular Theme Time Sharewave Session #002 ________ I Feel Like a Nice Warm Bath
Fastus Telharmania Terra Incognito
Herbert Eimert, Robert Beyer Klangstudie II Forbidden Planets: Music From the Pioneers of Electronic Sound
Thomas Poli / Bertùf A call from Earth, no Facetime - live Neuwds
Scott Lukas Stream 3C Stream
d'Voxx Opera Télégraphe (DiN58)
The BBC Radiophonic Workshop, Desmond Briscoe Daphne Oram / The Ocean Forbidden Planets: Music From the Pioneers of Electronic Sound
A_N Disparaître Acie E R R
The Operator Space Discovery Civilization
Human Koala Tibetan Bowl And Child Piano The Hk Modular Session
Batchas Serge Modular Systems - Sept 1, 2015 Serge Modular Systems - Explorations 2015
David Chesworth - Back Catalogue The Unattended Serge 1978 Part 2 The Unattended Serge / Five Evolutionary Things
Galenbaby PWM Speaker Ripper Synthesizer Sketches
Trübüla Trasversalmente Al Pendio Un buon funzionamento
Dariusz Mazurowski Aleatoric Quartet Back in Time 2012-1992
Otto Luening Low Speed OHM: The Early Gurus of Electronic Music
Bernard Parmegiani L'instant mobile L'Œuvre musicale en 12 CD
Oskar Sala Concertando Rubato OHM: The Early Gurus of Electronic Music
Henri Pousseur Scambi (1957)
Tom Dissevelt, Kid Baltan Intersection Electronic Music: It Started Here
Gordon Mumma The Dresden Interleaf 13 February 1945 (1965)
Morton Subotnick Mandolin (1962)
John Cage Rozart Mix (1965)
Ahmök Revelant Earth Parasite
Alex Pearson 170409 Two
Wladimir Ussachevsky Incantation For Tape (1953)
Walter Ruttmann Week End (1930)
Michael White Broken Wasp Modulisme Session 033 - Serge O Voxes I
Richard Scott Moisterer Gurgle, Sputter, Rungle: Blippoo Box solos
Guillermo Pizarro Intro Jericho Bridge : Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Dick Jacobs Fascination Electronic Music: It Started Here
Rafael Timoner SSSHHHhhh!... (Intro) SSSHHHhhh!... (Silence Please)
João Ceitil Moan Music for Dolphins
Demian Catwater Second Hyperbole VARIABLES
Tod Dockstader Apocalypse, Part 2 OHM: The Early Gurus of Electronic Music
Steevio Cyferbynnu Modular Techno Vol 4
Virus Installer Time Stands Still Lost in Psychedelia (Buchla)
Dariusz Mazurowski Hidden Dimensions: Interrupted Timeline Hidden Dimensions
Georgios Karamanolakis For Ems Synthi E + D.I.Y. Breakout Box Modulisme Session 058
Scanner Wizard of Lies The Signal Of A Signal Of A Signal
Benge 449 Electro-Orgoustic Music (1995)
Kumo Thirteenth EuclidPre Euclidean Patterns
TL3SS Unease EP II
Palle Dahlstedt Iron Gait Modulisme Session 074
Stefan Tcherepnin Existential Ghost Injection Modulisme Session 035 - Serge O Voxes III
Francisco Meirino Etude 15 01 2019 Patches
PRFRK Among Us Modulisme Session 035 - Serge O Voxes III
Ze-Ka Last person on earth Dystopia
OVOD Videogame Alley of cubes
Déman Texture II Texture
Batchas Serge Modular Systems - Feb 9, 2014 Serge Modular System - Explorations 2014
Fonitronik Shimmer The Serge
Onyx Zones Owls Underdown
Rafael Timoner Message In A Bottle N U M 3 R 4 R 3
Michael White Wavering SEMI CONSCIOUS
Warren Burt A-Meeting-With-the-Giant-Murray-Cod-Mix Six Preludes and Six Postludes to A Meeting With the Giant Murray Cod
Doug Lynner Saturn Cycle Up From Down: Electronic Feedback Explorations
Wilfried Thierry Ses pas le guident, machinalement. Un
Iannis Xenakis Concret (1958)
Vactrolog Part 2 Lux Imagistes
SICVK SE_EP_4_6 Solar Eruption
Hermann Heiss Elektronische Komposition 1 Zeitgenössische Musik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 3: 1950-1960
François Dumeaux Cercler 6 Nèva
Mark Ellery Griffiths IV-10-ND-02-03-WLF GX
Thomas Poli Iain This Flow
Scott Lukas Pattern Jazz 3C Pattern Jazz
Julien Boudart & Francesco Pastacaldi Quasi-Periodic Rabbit Nonlinear Dynamics
Yair Etziony The Ministry Of Love Ensemble
Dan Preece Early Riser - Modulisme Buchlaïsm Session Buchlaïsms
Dark Sparkler This Is Not Lake Michigan - Modulisme Buchlaïsm Session Buchlaïsms
Roya All The Way To Kang Bound
Virus Installer Red Panel Lost in Psychedelia (Buchla)
Morton Subotnick Butterflies - Butterfly 3 The Electronic Works Vol.3
Suzanne Ciani Lixiviation 11 (Live Buchla Concert 1975) - Modulisme Buchlaïsm Session Buchlaïsms
Alan Smithee (040) Vivacity Turmoil
Steve Horelick Steve Horelick, Spirals of an Inner Life Buchla Now
Batchas Buchla And Serge - July 2, 2013 Buchla and Serge Modular Systems - Explorations 2013
Sova Stroj The Heart Of Birds Stills
Rafael Timoner O_c Sequence Modulismic - Studio Live Sessions, Vol.2
Todd Barton Particle Field III Spaces
Benge Five Fifty Seven Beautiful Electronic Music (1996)
Jens Hafemann Jittering Shimmer Places & Spaces
Cray Extract#05 Geometric Patterns Made Of Love And Understanding
Alex Pearson 271109 Two
Graeme Gerrard Anistropy (Lumps in the Gravity) Early Pieces
On est des robots Les robots ne rouillent pas On est des robots
Hainbach Crooked Roads Assertion
A_N Fer Forgé Acie E R R
Ubiquitous Meh! Fecund With Love Octorallia
Alina Kalancea Salt - Modulisme Buchlaïsm Session Buchlaïsms
Teleplasmiste Mind at Large
François Dumeaux Kitiège 3 Taur - Kêr-Iz - Китеж
Scanner Stranice An Ascent
Joshua Hyde and Ben Carey Magnitude Fault Lines
Joshua Hyde and Ben Carey Neogenic Fault Lines
Joshua Hyde and Ben Carey Interferometric Fault Lines
Joshua Hyde and Ben Carey Subsurface Fault Lines
Joshua Hyde and Ben Carey Quaternary Fault Lines
Joshua Hyde and Ben Carey Hypocenter Fault Lines
Dialectric Awakening Phase
Thomas Poli Single-celled organism Candor Chasma
Espen Friberg Lazy cobweb Sun Soon
Francisco Meirino To bring out the shame Patches
Bachelard House And Universe I am the space where I am.
Batchas 01 - A Break In Continuity A Break In Continuity
Alan R. Splet Space Travel With Changing Choral Textures (1983)
Déman Texture VI Texture
Todd Barton Pulses Pulses/Buchla Nomad
S. Hollis Mickey Part 4: The Last Part How to fold a fitted sheet
Thierry Holweck Square Alea
Allinaire Ringkle Cloud Blacken
Instra:mental Shine Timelines LP
Alan Smithee (040) Chronometer Turmoil
The Sonny Downs Quartet Dawn Breakfast Modulisme Session 074
Halfgeleider Ademruis Halfgeleider - Tussen nacht en dageraad
Fantosh Flak Turtles of Swing Slo-fi Tide
Preach Elitism Imprecise Lath Preach Elitism
In The Well Shades Mercurie
Datach'i Saiph Bones
Hhnoi Reset the Preset Dear Past
The Operator Midnight Sky Heavy Fog
Rafael Timoner 100x100 Seconds (Init_Loop) Buch-La-La-Loop
Jill Fraser Click Me Kick Me Smart Shack
OSC Repair Team Vastness of Space (extract) The Brandy Tea Incident
Dick Raaijmakers Contrasts Electronic Music: It Started Here
Don't Go Out Coldicus (reskin) Modular404
Cray Extract#04 Geometric Patterns Made Of Love And Understanding
Benge One Zero FORMS 3 - Controls, Sources & Treatments
The Vegan Surgeons Doctor Doom Lies Down on Broadway Galactus
Steevio Cydfodoli. Animistas
Stephan Whitlan Waving and Drowning Tone Science Module No.5 Integers and Quotients (DiN:TS05)
Batchas Buchla - July 15, 2014 [V8] Buchla Modular System - Explorations 2014/2015
Scott Lukas Abstraction 7B
Beatriz Ferreyra Demeures Aquatiques GRM Works
Richard Galbraith Distant yellow lights This is the world
Mytyl Sheena melting memories Warehouse
Randall Smith The Unmoved Centre Multiple Soundings
Felix Kubin A - Max Brand Studie Iv (Snippet) Max Brand Studie Iv / T O P I A
Bluetech Subterranea Liquid Geometries (DiN57)
Sonicrider Irregular Symphony (Cultura Nova Edition)
Feyz Seah Hyd
Bachelard Miniature I am the space where I am.
Ben Carey α Miasma
Strotter Inst. / Peter Vukmirovic Stevens B5. Sur mon crâne incliné est planté son drapeau noir. Bile Noire
Thomas Poli Between Those Two Peaks Lies an Echo This Flow
Gregor McNish, Cameron Stephen, Lysdexic, Virus Installer MTTSS#005 White Modular Theme Time Sharewave Session #005 ________ Three Module Challenge
Benge 1978-EMS Polysynthi Thirteen Systems
Rick Reger VCS3 Improv Modulisme Session 059
Omri Cohen LuLaAh Opus II
Doug Lynner Lydian Agreements Modular Tonalism
Thomas Walsh Myrrh and Chalice Epicataphora
Yair Etziony No Infrastructure Ensemble
Todd Barton Pibroch Terrains For Easel
Chuck van Zyl The Zanti Misfits Tone Science Module No.5 Integers and Quotients (DiN:TS05)
batchas Cool Raoul Freq63 - BugBee & ScroLab (2021)
Mudlogger Kubota Kubota
Mark Ellery Griffiths GZero-18 GX
Michael White Rritation SEMI CONSCIOUS
In The Well Meldrum Atomium
Gjoll 4 - Seidhr sju A02 - Seidhr
Aaego1 Rôle1 Rôle
Scott Lukas Stream 1C Stream
Fantosh Flak La Nave Neon Slo-fi Tide
Teleplasmiste A Goodly Company
SSS - Sesiones Subterraneas Sonoras Buscando el borde SSS
Datach'i West Peaks System
SICVK RM_EP_3_5 Residual Material
Benge Buchror Mirror Systems
Jesper Pedersen Contours Katydids
OSC Repair Team The Brandy Tea Incident Part 1 The Brandy Tea Incident
Matthias Puech The Reservoir [2018-04-03 004540] Purlieu
Christer Déman Rungler Heat
Langham Research Centre Nachholbedürfnis Tape Works Vol. 2
Déman 002 Easel Works
Mark Dalton Griffiths Head Noise
Jorge Ramos Thought2 Electronics | Electroacoustic Works
Richard Scott's Lightning Ensemble Squitters Hyperpunkt
Ernesto Rodrigues, Guilherme Rodrigues & Richard Scott II We still have bodies
Onyx Zones Ran300 Serge Modular
Batchas Buchla - March 18, 2015 [Part 02] Buchla Modular System - Explorations 2014/2015
R.C. Hoffmann Serge #01 Serge Frequencies
Kid Baltan Song of the Second Moon Song of the Second Moon
In The Well Auf/Aus Auf / Aus
Ryou Oonishi H 7 in 45
Todd Barton Krell Jazzjam Terrains For Easel
The Operator Cadillac 82 Heavy Fog
Morton Subotnick Butterflies - Interlude 1 The Electronic Works Vol.3
Benge Round #2 Tone Science Module No.3 Cosines and Tangents (DiN:TS03)
Dialectric Marne River Phase
Dan Preece Early Riser - Modulisme Buchlaïsm Session Buchlaïsms
Datach'i Ring Box Bonus
Worsel Strauss The secret village by the rim Unattention Economy
Séthi One Souls of babylon Trigger Life
Ahmök Revelant Earth Parasite
Daniel Araya Operatii Warehouse
Nntblst For Ought I Care After Me, The Deluge EP
Ma.Ku.Su Oulalaa Unreleased
Julie Marghilano Soundescape Mercury Jasmine
Valentin Rocher Filling the gap Interstices
Steevio Saith. Animistas
Batchas Bugbrand Modular - Patch 007 BugBrand Modular System - Explorations 2014/2015
Philippe Petit presents Early ElectroMIX #04 Early Electromix
Like Weeds Skirbeck Voter Ourselves Alone
BRICKS Weights Humanity Is a Sinking Ship
Benjamin Mauch Freelight Discorporeal
Thomas Walsh Imp of the Perverse Epicataphora
Luer Opposite Side of the Mirror Glass House
How Things Are Made Joshua Tenenbaum Delivers 10,000 Horses Challenging Mud
Guillermo Pizarro Ride to Jericho Bridge Jericho Bridge : Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Tim Held Demiurge Music To Come Down To
Francisco Meirino Part 1 Hear After: Matters of Auditory Paranoia
Batchas Serge Modular Systems - July 6, 2014 [Part 03] Serge Modular System - Explorations 2014
Richard Scott A2.6.6 Everyday Arithmetic
The Canadian Electronic Ensemble Live 02. 02. 2002 Modulisme Session 073
Sarah Terral La Volonté Le Menisque Original
Pat Moonchy Metamorphosis Wolfmanland
CrücFX Reflexions Reflexions
Graeme Gerrard Discourse Early Pieces
Michael White Rotation Modulisme Session 083
Déman Random Serge Patches - 10 Random Serge Patches
François Dumeaux Kitiège 9 Taur - Kêr-Iz - Китеж
Arcane Waves Reciprocal capacitance matrix Electronic Fields
Benge 01-Pathway Harmuna
Electric Weasel Ensemble Live at KTEH Studios - Modulisme Buchlaïsm Session Buchlaïsms
Photoktet MINISOS Mission
Bluetech Subterranea Liquid Geometries (DiN57)
Teleplasmiste Fall of the Yak Man
Passepartout Duo Epigram IV Epigrams