
J Daniel Cramer

J Daniel Cramer is a jazz musician and performer working in western Canada and has been active as an electronic musician for many years. Graduating from his studies in music at university in the early 1980’s Daniel took great interest in the electronic music studio on campus and became their first student to employ computers in the art of music making.

It was these early years that nurtured Daniel’s love of modular electronic instruments and while working as a performing musician and studio engineer/producer, he began to build his own experimental electronic studio. Fast forward to the 2000’s and Daniel was excitedly riding the wave of modular resurgence. Now a well known artist in the Eurorack Modular music making scene, J Daniel Cramer is best recognized for his work on large scale, complex patches that delve into polyphonic renderings of Barton’s ubiquitous Krell and multilayered generative patches that can take months to design and hours to unfold.

Cramer’s release, ‘Exodus’ was recorded live in the Netherlands while performing at Colin Bender’s Museum Of Sound and his recent release, ‘a Rush of Souls’ was composed for an artist in residency program in Estonia in 2020. Detailed explanations of these and other works can be found on J Daniel Cramer’s YouTube channel where he endeavours to share his artistic processes with other like-minded musicians.