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Tom Hamilton

Tom Hamilton has composed and performed electronic music for over 50 years. His music references the 1970s era of analog electronics, and contrasts structure with improvisation and textural electronics with acoustic instruments. He employs “aural scores” to connect performers to a changing context of electronic sound, prompting the use of “present-time listening” by both performer and listener. Hamilton is a Fellow of the Civitella Ranieri Foundation and has received the Mike Zagorski Artist Award from the Sound Symposium festival in St. John’s NL.

Hamilton has released 15 CDs of his music; his CD London Fix received an award in the Prix Ars Electronica, and a CD of his electronic music of the 1970s was named one of The Wire’s Top 50 Reissues of 2010. He co-produced the Cooler in the Shade/Warmer by the Stove new music series in New York for 14 years.

Hamilton serves as the music director for three operas by (the late) composer Robert Ashley, and has been a member of that company for 30 years. His audio production is found on over 100 recordings of prominent contemporary musicians.

Location New York, USA
Genres Ambient Electro-Acoustic Experimental Soundscapes
Instruments Arp 2600 Nord Modular Serge